Journée mondiale des ours aves

Meet us at the World Day to Save Bears with AVES France in Paris

Fauna at Galeries Lafayette Reading Meet us at the World Day to Save Bears with AVES France in Paris 1 minute Next How do I find a friend's spirit animal?

Every year since 2017, AVES France has organized the World Day to Save Bears.

The 2023 edition will take place on Saturday, February 25 from 10am to 6pm at Oasis 21, 2 rue de la clôture, 75019 PARIS.

World Days... for what purpose?

Every year in February, two world days dedicated to bears are held, two opportunities to raise public awareness of the fate of the world's 8 bear species, 6 of which are threatened:

The World Day to Save Bears on February 21.
International Polar Bear Day on February 27.

World Save the Bear Day is an opportunity to meet AVES, other associations and Fauna, and to offer activities for children and conferences for adults. For the 2023 edition, we're offering a meeting in Paris on Saturday February 25, as well as an online broadcast of the conferences.

Fauna will be on hand to offer a spirit animal finder, paper origami activities and a tombola to raise funds for AVES!

Accès journée mondiale des Ours

Find out more about the exhibitors in the AVES article by clicking here.

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