Boutique fauna Galerie lafayette

Fauna at Galeries Lafayette

Come and meet us from July 6 to 10 at Galeries Lafayette (6th floor) to discover our jewelry, how it's made and much more!

We were at the Made in France trade show in November 2021, and we really enjoyed meeting you and talking to you about our spirit animals and totems, and introducing you to our jewelry.

We're renewing the experience with a popup store at Galeries Lafayette Hausmann in Paris. See you on the 6th floor from July 6 to 10, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.!

Maori and Stessie, the designers, will be there, and we'll be presenting our commitments, our jewelry and assembling some on the spot, and so on. Don't hesitate to come and meet us :)

Galeries Lafayette Hausmann (6th floor)
40 Bd Haussmann, 75009 Paris
July 6 to 10, 202210 am to 8 pm

Fauna stand at Galeries Lafayette

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